When you read this website on your device, we put some small pieces of information on that device. These are called cookies.
Some cookies have to be there, or this website won’t work the way it’s meant to. For other cookies, it’s up to you whether we put them on your device.
This screen lets you pick which cookies you want us to use. If you’re not sure, please ask an adult you trust to help you decide.
Strictly necessary cookies
Without these cookies, the website won’t work the way it’s meant to. You can’t turn these cookies off here, but you can change how your device works to stop us using them. If you do that, you won’t be able to do things like logging into your account or buying tickets.
Analytical or performance cookies
These cookies help us understand who is visiting the website and how they’re using it. They’ll tell us things like whether you’re using a phone, tablet, or computer, and they might tell us what city you live in.
Targeting cookies
These cookies tell us what pages you’ve visited, and might let us match this up with pages you’ve visited on other websites. These cookies might also give your information to another app or website, like Instagram, and change the adverts you see there.